


BƐdƐ AyƐyie Ne Sumenaso is a family program with parental guidance (PG) alert for all age groups. It focuses on exposing the ills in society with a special attention on ungrateful people and how they pay back good with evil. Just as its name or tittle, BƐdƐ ayƐyie ne sumenaso is an Akan proverbs which literally means rewarding good deeds with evil seeks to educate and advise viewers about some of these things.

BƐdƐ is a basket woven with the palm fronds in Ghanaian farms to transport foodstuffs home. This basket has always been very helpful to the farmers for ages but unfortunately, farmers have been always ungrateful to this basket by hurriedly throwing away, this basket as soon as they get their foodstuff home successfully. This shows how ungrateful some people are to others who help them.

One this show, cases of ungratefulness are discussed via narration and video acts by a host and panel of experienced counselors to advise and educate the viewers.

TYPE OF PROGRAM: Discussion program on everyday life with a focus on ungrateful people.

TARGET AUDIENCE: Family viewing with parental guidance due to some of the topics discussed.

SEGEMENTS: Story or movie for the discussion. Panel discussion , Phone in segment

SHOWING: Every Sunday evening

TIME: 7:00pm to 8:00pm

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