A/R: Lack of accommodations scaring teachers to accept posting to rural communities- Nana Pokuaa Amoako

The municipal director of education for Atwima Nwabiagya south municipality of Ashanti region, Nana Pokuaa Amoako is calling on key stakeholders including traditional leaders and Landlords in rural communities to support teachers posted to their communities with accommodations to help address challenges confronting teachers.
She said, one of the factors that scares new teachers posted to rural communities is the unavailability of accommodations which Atwima Nwabiagya south municipality cannot be left out.
Speaking to media, she emphasized that, teachers posted to mining communities are those that suffer the most due to high cost of rent allowances charged by Landlords, due to readiness of miners always ready to pay.
She called on traditional leaders and Landlords to always offer better services to teachers posted to their communities to enable the teachers show much interest in staying with them.
She however declared her commitment to fight against examination malpractice to help promote quality education.
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