Over the years, depression has been a major problem in the country.
Depression is a mood disorder that causes a persistent feeling of sadness and loss of interest.
Depression can affect both the physical and social functioning of an individual.
Research shows that an estimated 3.8% of population experiences depression, including 5% of adults (4% among men and 6% among women) and 5.7% of adults older than 60 years. Depression is about 50% more common among men. Worldwide, more have just given birth experience depression.
Lucky tv’s reporter Bernice Kuzagbe, interviewed the general public seeking their opinion on depression and how serious it can affect an individual.
Citizens of Ghana uncovered truth, shared personal experiences including witnessed cases.
An older man of about 60 years shared an example of depression. “ a man can be in a depressed state if he loses his work and depends on a woman for survival” he laid emphasis that depression leads to suicide.
In a nutshell, depression can be treated through behavioral activation, cognitive behavior therapy, interpersonal psychotherapy and problem solving therapy.