Road Safety: GPRTU to install speed limit devices on commercial vehicles

The Ghana Private Road Transport Union (GPRTU) has vowed to install speed limiters in commercial vehicles.
The move is geared towards controlling the speed of commercial vehicles to ensure that no commercial driver can go beyond a particular speed limit approved by the National Road Safety Authority (NRSA).
The General Secretary of GPRTU, Godfred Abulbire, announced this at the launch of the 2023 Road Safety Christmas Campaign dubbed “Stop Speeding, Stay Alive” in Accra.
He maintained that the leadership of GPRTU has done enough education to get drivers to change their attitudes on the road, but to no avail, hence the move to compulsorily install speed limiters in commercial vehicles to curtail overspending.
“Behavioral change is a very hard thing for us to get the drivers to comply with; you would say all the beautiful words, teach, and talk to them, but they move on the road and remain who they are, so we think that something extra has to be done.”.
So the GPRTU is going to compulsorily insert speed limiters in all cars that move within 50 kilometers by next week, Mr. Abulbire emphasized.
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