Discover the Hidden Treasures: Unveiling the Health Benefits of Traditional Ghanaian Drinks

On last week’s episode of Yediemu, Lucky TV’s flagship TV show dedicated to giving prominence to the rich culture, plants and food known to indigenous Ghana delved into the rise of the production and the many benefits of what has come to be known as local drinks.
Hosted by Adwoa Akyeampomaa Owoahene, we r xplore the secrets of Ghana’s beloved culinary tradition with millet-based ‘pito’, antioxidant-rich ‘sobolo’ made from hibiscus leaves, and the tangy tamarind-infused ‘samia’ which not only quench thirst,but also offer a wealth of health benefits.
Millet, rich in nutrients like magnesium and fiber, supports digestive health and provides sustained lasting energy. Hibiscus leaves are packed with antioxidants or free-radical scavengers that may lower blood pressure and promote heart health. Tamarind, known for its tart or pleasantly sharp or sour flavor, aids digestion and is rich in vitamins and minerals like vitamin C and potassium.
These traditional drinks not only refresh but also contribute significantly to overall well-being, reflecting Ghanaian rich culinary wisdom that combines taste with therapeutic benefits.
“Exploring Ghanaian wisdom that blends taste with wellness can enhance your journey to vibrant health, making it a key aspect of the medicinal revolution.”