A/R: KAIPTC is training security personnel on electoral violence ahead of 2024 polls

The Kofi Annan International Peacekeeping Training Centre (KAIPTC) has successfully trained some security personnel in Ashanti Region from various security agencies on electoral violence in Kumasi.
The course was designed to mitigate electoral violence and promote peace and security in the lead-up to the 2024 presidential and parliamentary elections.
The training, conducted five days (5) was aimed at equipping participants with the needed skills to ensure a peaceful electoral process.
The Electoral Violence and Security course saw participant from the police, military, customs, prisons, immigration, and the fire service.
The Director of training at Kofi Annan international peace keeping training center (KAIPTC) Colonel Anorph Barnabas Akanbong Commended the participants for their dedication and active participation.
He highlighted the importance of their contributions to the discourse, which aims to strengthen democracy in Ghana. “It is satisfying to know that you were all exemplary in your contributions,” he stated.
On his part, The German Ambassador to Ghana, His Excellency Mr Daniel krull said the German Government subscribed to free and fair elections as the cornerstone of democracy.
He said the German Government, had supported and partnered the KAIPTC to contribute to peace and security in Ghana and the West African sub-region.
Finally, Speaking on behalf of Ashanti Regional police commandant, Chief Superintendent Christopher Owusu Mpianim urged the personnel to harness and draw the knowledge gained to effectively enhance their capacities to prevent or manage potential or perceived electoral violence situations before, during and after their Presidential and Parliamentary elections.