15 years old Ga Queen Naa Okromo to be released to her parents.

Creche, primary school records show Naa Okromo is 15 years old
Creche and primary school records of Naa Okromo, the child at the centre of the alleged child marriage in Nungua, have revealed that she is fifteen (15) years old, according to Dakoa Newman, the minister-designate for the Ministry of Gender, Children and Social Protection.
Per the records, Naa Okromo was born on July 18, 2008.
The child’s new age contradicts what Gborbu Wulomo’s office stated in an April 3 press conference. The office of the traditional leader indicated that the child was not 12 years old but 16.
The minister-designate speaking at the minister’s briefing in Accra on Thursday, April 18, stated, amongst other things, that “Naa Okromo’s date of birth on records from the creche she attended indicates that she is 15 years old, and she was born on 18th July 2008.”
Furthermore, the minister-designate added that medical tests conducted on the child show she is “intact” and that she is not pregnant as well.
She also indicated that the mother of Naa Okromo has also been made to sign a bond to ensure that they will adhere to all children’s rights laws.
Dakoa Newman further stated that Naa Okromo will pursue her education, stressing that the child will be released to her parents.
Deputy Attorney-General Alfred Tuah- yeboah said the office is still examining the full docket of the issue.