Social Issues

Crippled from vibration, the sad tale of Isaiah Appiah, a disabled farmer.

On the life changing segment show aired on Lucky TV within the morning show, dubbed Time With The Unusuals, Mr. Isaiah Appiah, a disabled farmer shared his chilling and yet encouraging story.

The interview started with the ever versatile host Ama Papabi inquiring from Isaiah what he can tell us about himself in a form of intro, he answered “I’m the 2nd born of my Parent and I have 5 other siblings.
Becoming a farmer and venturing into agriculture has always being a dream of mine from childhood and I’ve made it a point to make sure my condition won’t hinder my dreams and that influenced my decision of studying agriculture in Bawjiase Secondary School ( Basec).

I took care of myself in SHS when my parents weren’t ready to take me to school.” He stated.
He continued by sharing how he woke up to his body vibrating on his bed in the middle of the night which has led to him getting crippled and rendering him immobile.

Narrating his ordeal he said
” It was one Friday night in 2020 when I suddenly felt my bed shaking heavily. I initially thought it was earthquake, I woke up due to the impact.
The shock from waking up and seeing my body shaking from head to toe gave me chills.

I couldn’t understand why my whole body was vibrating for no reason and not knowing what the problem was scared me the most. I couldn’t move any part of my body after the vibration. I quickly called my mother to relay the news to her to which she sent for someone to bring me to her place. There was no one in the house I stayed in because it was market day and everyone had left the house.
I was taken to the hospital to which I was diagnosed with malaria and was given malaria drugs for treatment. We resorted to herbal treatment when the drugs from the hospitals weren’t working.
The herbal hospitals weren’t working either and then out of nowhere, a woman I helped from a while back offered to introduce me to her sis in-law who treats illness like mine.
Her treatment started and I had to go and stay in her town at Fante Mayera in the central region.
After a while, nothing changed so I owned my condition and started farming on a deserted land since I could use my hand for the time being.
It was said that the land had no use anymore and cannot grow and produce any crop so I used the knowledge I gained from school to treat the land and it is now useful.

Even thought I couldn’t complete senior high school due to financial issues, I’m now working as a farmer and living my dream of producing and providing food for people “.

Story by: Appoh Abigail.

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