Breast cancer is commonly associated with women, but men can also develop breast cancer. Even though the frequency of occurrence in men is significantly lower, it’s essential to be aware of the signs and symptoms of breast cancer in men.
On Lucky TV’s #AdekyeɛMuNsem Health show, Dr. Elsie said, that 2.9% of men develop breast cancer in Ghana.
Cancer can occur in men when there is a hormonal imbalance.
Research has found that men have a hormone called ANDROGEN, which is usually a steroid hormone that stimulates or controls the masculine characteristics in men, whereas women have the estrogen hormone. So when estrogen becomes the dominant hormone in men, they become prone to BREAST CANCER.
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As we celebrate the month of breast cancer, we will be bringing you more education on the topic, and we hope you will continue to join us on our various shows so we can all learn about the topic to help us keep fit.