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What do you know of the fishing industry in Ghana, Lucky TV’s #Yediem explores Dwama (Mumford) and their major occupation

Ghana is blessed with a lot of natural resources, from minerals, scarce trees, water falls, to the amazing monstrous seas of the coastal belt, on this episode of #Yediem, we focus on the fishing industry in Ghana, as such the team visited one of the biggest and accomplished fishing communities in Ghana, the town is originally called Dwama, but as it is the case with majority of the Coastal towns, they were named by the Europeans as Mumford.

In an in-depth conversation with the Chief of fishing of Dwama, he outlined the processes that they go through to bring as fishes every day, he also threw a lot of light on the fishing economy in Ghana as compared to Europe and other parts of the world.

Asked what their challenges were, he touched on the popular premix fuel, their outboard motors, which is usually procured by government and in some cases getting them on subsidy, in regards to the landing site which was nearly completed but suffered a natural disaster, they pleaded with the government to come their aid and to please help the fishing industry as whole to be more attractive and economically viable for the up-and-coming youth.
It got emotional when Oscar, a person with disability, who is also a fisherman with his disability, facing all the challenges there is to face on sea, all in the quest to feed his family, he appealed to the general public for help and also had a lot of intriguing stories to share.

Watch Video for full here –

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