How a Christian evangelist has taken it upon himself to change the Ghanaian Christian narrative, from simply going to preach in front of a church congregation to doing the real evangelism job that was commissioned by Christ.
According to Pastor Gordon Yeboah who is the founder of Cross of Calvary Chapel, he used to be like any other pastor who was once under the Ministry of Prophet Oduro, he turned over a new leaf and decided to follow his calling as an Evangelist when he came to settle at Kosoa. Speaking on Adekyeemusem on Lucky TV, he said he took up the initiative to win souls of people who were in his locality but were at the time very wayward.
The real turning point came at a crusade he organized in collaboration with the Local Council of Churches and Apostle Bernasco (based in UK) at the Odukpong Opened School Park, Kasoa. According to him, something very wonderful that only God could have orchestrated occurred as people they expected to show up are not the ones who attended the crusade, but rather young men and women who one would refer to as condemned, due to the their looks and state they were in.
Now as God will have it during the crusade, he Pastor Gordon was called upon and commissioned to continue with the job of ministering to those people who attended the program. Note that at the time it was established that majority of these young men and women were either drug addicts or ex-convicts, he added that he took up the mantle but to his surprise, the flock he had accepted to shepherd had lots of problems he had not anticipated from not having what they will eat to where they will lay their head, due to the life they had lived and rejection from the public.
As time went own, God in his own way have provided through benevolent people and organizations he said and that they keep soldiering on as their slogan goes, Soldiers of Christ…
He appealed to the general public and well to do people to come to their aid with support for him to complete the work he has started.
Watch video for interviews with the addicts and get details to support.