Alban Bagbin: “Hung parliaments are the best; let’s keep voting that way.”

According to Speaker of the House Alban Sumana Kingsford Bagbin, the eighth parliament of Ghana under the fourth republic is the greatest one to date.
He claims that the hung parliament has stopped the executive branch and the ruling party from ramming laws, projects, and programs down the throats of Ghanaians.
Speaking during a public forum held in Ho, the regional capital of Volta, to mark the 30th anniversary of the 4th Republic’s parliament, he urged Ghanaians to make it a constant effort to guarantee that the majority and minority parties in the House have an equal number of members.
With one independent candidate, there are 275 members in the eighth parliament, comprising 137 members from the ruling New Patriotic Party and 137 members from the opposition National Democratic Congress.
A hung house is “very difficult to manage,” according to Mr. Bagbin, who has been a member of Parliament since the 4th Republic’s founding in 1992. However, he also stated that it best protects leaders from potentially becoming tyrants by getting their way through parliament.
He claimed the nation had failed to use its natural riches for the good of its people and added that youth despair was a result of the economic crisis, which has intensified unemployment among other things.
The speaker bemoaned once more that we were primarily communicating in the white man’s language rather than our own native tongue.
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